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    Carafe Ionizer Valeacell Alkaline water with activated carbon

Valeacell Carafe Coloured - Water ionizer with a filter

€34.95 Save 50%

Generate Kangen water Convert normal tap water into alkaline and ionized drinking water. This is often referred to as Kangen water.

- Produces alkaline, ionized, hexagonal water

- Creates a pH value of 8.5-9.4 which supports the systemic pH balance in the body.

Scope of delivery: 1 x carafe + 1 x filter cartridge

Color : White
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Valeacell filter carafe filters and produces ionized, Kangen water

The Valeacell carafe is an ideal companion for at home and on the go. With a capacity of approx. 3.5 liters, the whole family can be conveniently supplied with great-tasting, ionized water with a pH value of 8.5 to 9.4. Produce great-tasting, mineral-enriched water and filter out harmful substances at the same time.

The SGS-certified water filters remove almost 95% of unpleasant pollutants of all kinds from the water. Even limescale deposits are reduced. You can cook, make tea or coffee with the freshly prepared water. You will be surprised by the clear and soft taste.

This is why small water clusters are very important . If you take water directly from the water pipe, it is pressurized and often has large clusters due to the long pipe runs. The cell has difficulty breaking down these compounds chemically to make this water available for the cell. If, on the other hand, you drink structured water, in the best case arranged hexagonally, it penetrates the cell almost unhindered and can transport nutrients and food supplements much more easily into the cell and also cleanse it.

klein geclustertes WasserLike many water filter manufacturers, we also use an activated carbon filter with 4-stage filtration. In combination with ceramic and silver elements of less than 0.05 mg/L, the growth of bacteria is inhibited.

Filter stage 1

The activated carbon purifies the water, removes odors and undesirable tastes such as chlorine. Organic pollutants and suspended matter are removed.

Filter stage 2

In this filter phase, up to 90 % of metals such as lead, zinc, copper and barium are removed with the help of ion exchange resin. The water is noticeably softer as rust and limescale are reduced at the same time.

Filter stage 3 - 4

Mineral balls ensure alkaline, ionized water. In this stage, toxins Ionisiertes Wasserare removed and immunity is strengthened by the alkaline environment. Bacteria and viruses are reduced and cannot survive. With a negative redox value of ORP: -180 mV to -250 mV and converts normal water into anti-oxidative water. At the same time, short, small clusters are formed.

The plastics used are food-safe and BPA-free.

Filter cover: PP.
Body shell: food grade PS
Tank, lid and handle: ABS.
BPA free!

The Valeacell filter carafe for ionized water ensures clean drinking water. Pollutants are efficiently removed.

Chlorine 99.9%, metals e.g. lead 99.9%, copper 93 to 99.9%, pesticides e.g. lindane 99.9%, atrazine 99.9%, bentazone 99.9%, trihalogens 99.23%.

Filter timeShaker Mixer

1-3 min per liter

Filter change Filter cartridge:

every 2 months / 400 liters max. (at approx. 7 liters daily)

Height: 25 cm
Width: 26 cm
Depth: 12 cm

(with filter installed)
Filler tank: 1.4 liters
Filter water approx. 3.5 liters

Operating costs:

12-14 Euro / month

1.2 kg with packaging and filter

Scope of delivery:

Valeacell filter carafe incl. 1 alkaline activated carbon filter

Further information about ionized water and filters can be found under this link

Important note:

This is a hygiene item. Returns are excluded if the appliance has been filled with water and has been in use.

Extract from the right of withdrawal:

The right of withdrawal expires prematurely for contracts

- for the delivery of sealed goods that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene if their seal has been removed after delivery;
- for the delivery of goods if they have been inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery due to their nature;

3 Items


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    Passen Ihre Filter in die Sanus E..aia Karaffe?

    Die Filter passen vom Formfaktor her 1:1 in Ihre Karaffe von Sanuslife und andere Hersteller dieser Art. Im Artikel sind zudem die Maße in einem Bild abgebildet. Sollte mal ein Filter nicht passen, bekommen Sie Ihren Einsatz von uns erstattet. Links zu: 3x Filter - 1x Filter

    Are you satisfied with this article? Usefulness of the article: 0 / 0

    Residues from boiling filtered water. How can this be?

    Impurities in the water before filtering: If the water already contained impurities that were not completely removed by the activated charcoal filter, these impurities may have been concentrated during the boiling process, resulting in residues.

    Overloading the filter: If the activated charcoal filter is overloaded, it may not be able to remove all impurities effectively. This could result in certain impurities, such as limescale, remaining in the water in higher concentrations and building up during cooking.

    Insufficient filter maintenance: Activated charcoal filters must be regularly maintained and replaced to maintain their effectiveness. If the filter has not been properly maintained, its performance may decrease over time, resulting in insufficient removal of impurities.

    Boiling process: In some cases, residues can be created by the boiling process itself, especially if the water has been heavily evaporated and mineral residues remain.

    Mineralize filter: Filters out only contaminants - important minerals remain in the water

    It is important to note that activated carbon filters cannot remove 100% of all contaminants, and effectiveness may vary depending on the specific contaminants in the water. In some cases, it may therefore be advisable to consider additional water treatment methods

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    Wenn die Karaffe über Nacht nicht verwendet wird, soll man den Deckel abnehmen und die Karaffe trocknen und diese dann offen stehen lassen?

    Wenn die Karaffe, wie bei fast allen Kunden am nächsten Tag wieder benutzt wird ist es nicht zwingend erforderlich das Prozedere mit Deckel und Karaffe trocknen durchzuführen.

    Es besteht keine Gefahr von Keimen die über Nacht kommen könnten. Ein Glas Wasser steht ja auch manchmal über Nacht am Bett.. 

    Anders ist es im Sommer. Da ist es Sinnvoll bei hohen Temperaturen die Karaffe mit Wasserinhalt in den Kühlschrank zu geben. Gerade bei Wochenendausflügen, div. 


    1 - 2  Tage Unbenutzt: Einfach stehen lassen, Außer im Sommer in den Kühlschrank

    2 - 4  Tage Unbenutzt: Mit Wasser gefüllt in den Kühlschrank / Alternativ leeren und zum trocknen stehen lassen. 

    5 +    Tage Unbenutzt: Wasser komplett aus Karaffe entleeren, Filter entfernen und in einen Beutel im Kühlschrank aufbewahren - Karaffe sauber ausspülen und trocknen 

    Are you satisfied with this article? Usefulness of the article: 0 / 0

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